rigoursoftwares@gmail.com +91 991 406 0017 Ludhiana, Punjab, India

Terms and Conditions"

• All goods are non-refundable.
• The connection between the machine and the device (computer or laptop) is made with the assistance of the machine's engineer or after reading the machine's system manual, which the machine's manufacturer provides. We are not responsible for any problems with machines or devices (including during demo mode or installation time).
• Software data loss is unrecoverable. It is entirely the responsibility of the client(s) to back up the software's data.
• Software re-installation is possible if you have older stored data; otherwise, charges will be applied during installation.
• Report Graphs, Histograms and pictures are not possible in online Software because it's heavy to store on the server. It’s Depends on your machine model, if we have solutions for that.
• There are no AMC fees, but service fees on any service after one year. These charges are the same as AMC charges, and they start a client's AMC services from that date for one year.
• Online Software has different charges with different plans. Lower plans have only 1 GB of data storage capacity.
• We take backup within 30 days. In case of any damage, we can provide that data.
• AMCs apply to online services. Online fees can vary depending on the cost of the server. Data backup and loss are always the client's responsibility for online or offline services.
• The performance of the software can be increased or decreased following an update or change in hardware or operating system.
View the performance chart

• We are not liable for any errors, dummy reports, incorrect panel report uploads, or illegal reports. The lab owner will be responsible for all reports.
• Visiting a software service provider can be time-consuming. It can take one to two weeks or more. So we recommend an online service.
• Service and support hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday are closed because these two days are reserved for software implementations so we can provide you with better performance applications.
• Data and report formats not done by us for any clients. After Training, it’s your responsibility to manage it. Or you can take help from us if our service providers.
• If you are using online software server can go down for any reason. It can take time unconditional from service providers. Data can also be lost. In that case, you can buy your domain and space from any provider you want; then, you must fulfil our requirements.
• In case of any interruption in online software, you can get the last 1-2 weeks' data backups or purchase some backup plans.
• Your suggestions can be implemented in software if we think they will be helpful for other customers. We cannot change our application for individual clients. It also takes time to implement in software.
• Terms and conditions can be changed as per the company’s decision to make service better. If you are already using Rigour Software, you are in these conditions.

Privacy Policy

• "Rigour Software" does not share any patient information with others.
• Website Have only login/ necessary cookies.
• The reporting format could be the same as other clients.

Note: Always keep your software up-to-date for better performance. In case any queries related to terms and conditions call us.